Belt Conveyors
Belt Conveyors
Belt Conveyors are designed to bring efficiency to manufacturing, shipping, and receiving
operations. We carry Roller Bed Belt Conveyors, Slider, Horizontal, and Incline Belt Conveyors. A complete
line of Medium, Heavy, and Extra Heavy Duty Belt Conveyors are available.
Belt Conveyors can be used for sorting, assembling, and inspecting. Belt Conveyors are efficient at
transporting products of different sizes. We can provide a single Belt Conveyor, replacement Conveyor Belt,
or a complete designed and installed system of Conveyors.
Please call 562-634-5410 for questions about the different Belt Conveyors available.
Light Duty Belt Conveyors Specifications.pdf
Heavy Duty Belt Conveyors Specifications.pdf
Incline Belt Conveyors Specifications.pdf
Imperial Conveyor & Engineering
15124 Downey Ave.
P.O. Box 108
Paramount CA, 90723 USA
Ph: 562-634-5410 Fax: 562-634-5465